Thursday, January 03, 2008

SAG is a Three letter word

Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 :
"It should be a very good time to talk about anything important in your relationships. Don't be afraid to bring things up today that you might normally be a little reluctant to discuss. Now is the time to get things out into the open, but just remember to listen as well as talk.
You should have the capacity for having a really good time with your partner right now. And this should help you to clear up any lingering issues that might exist between the two of you. "

Two for two on the zero stars for my horoscope. Today was again not relateable to my life or day at all. Unless there are secret and lingering issues I am not aware of but hubby is usually pretty straight forward -if it bugs him I know about it.

Today was just another day of errands and chores that needed to be done and I didn't really get to spend much time with my hubby at all.

I have been online today searching for answers to my SAG questions. My son just received his letter from SAG stating he is now eligible for his SAG card after he pays the initiation fee.

Since he is only seven years old it should probably have been addressed to me and his father since the ultimate output of money for his SAG card will have to come through us.

A rather large monetary output I might add. It is be no means cheap to be a SAG member.

So at this point we are questioning if it is really the right time in his career to invest such a large sum of money on the off chance that he could get a union job that would make it worth it.

I tend to think this is the time to take the plunge -still I understand my husband's reluctance to do so just yet.

It seems lately there has been a lot more outpour of cash than in. My son and I also had to go and get our passports ordered today, again just on the off chance that he gets a job out of the country he has to be prepared or no agent will even look at him.

We also did some returns to Target, which actually turned out to be relatively easy, and used the gift card given to us to buy dad a surprise DVD - he was very grateful and happy that we did something so thoughtful.

I also downloaded another chapter of my story "Picture Perfect" to

I like their site because they make it relatively easy for readers to reveiw and reviews are always fun to get and often times can help to turn a story a different direction.

A good surprise today was another episode of "Quarterlife" got posted to "You Tube"...I am addicted. I was like a drug addict getting their fix as I watched it twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything - very scary.

I finally got the opportunity today before dinner to talk to my sister who has started back to work - she's very happy and I kind of envy her that she was able to find another job that fits her likes and needs so quickly.

I really want to have my own income coming in again so I can feel like I am contributing to the family in more ways than just taking care of them, but I need it to fit into this specific niche and that it making it hard to even know where to look for it.

I'm just kind of riding out the storm right now but I have faith that God has an open door waiting for me sometime in the near future.

Not much else to add tonight so I will "peace out" here and head to bed.


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