Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Decisions in Haste

Confusion reigns supreme in my life right now.

I've had to make some major decisions regarding my son's acting, but I think it's all good.

Suprisingly after sending only four resumes to see if we could interest any agents in representing him we got two calls - that's a pretty good percentage - unfortunately the second call came after we had already decided to go with another agency.

And although we are not contractually obligated (new agent believes you don't need a piece of paper to keep you where you want to be) I believe the decision I made was a good one.

I really like his new agent and her vision for his future success.

On my job front though I am coming up dry. I still feel that finding a job outside the home would be a mistake of huge proportions. I need to be self-employed if things are going to work for my son's acting. Finding a suitable self employment though is daunting to say the least

I still continue to work on my book but must admit the enthusiasm isn't as strong now.

Not sure why though - perhaps because it's such a light subject and has no real depth? But honestly that was my choice for my first book.

It could also be the lack of response I received when I threw caution to the wind and posted the first chapter on fictionpress.com

Although maybe I'm giving up too easy - maybe I should post another chapter and just see.

My inclination is to self publish and see if interest in my book on a site like that would capture the attention of bigger representation.

Today is set to be busy for me getting my son ready for his next trip to Hollywood, but I also need to latch on to my domestic side today and get some cleaning done, so for now this blog will have to constitute my fulfill my daily writing quotient.


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Well I've come to the quick realization that a daily blog is not always going to be do-able.

Mainly because the days since my last blog have had "whirlwind" written all over them.

So, just a slight amendment to my resolution (not breaking it, just tweaking it), is that I will write as often as I can barring lifes little or big surprises as is the case this time.

Life's most recent surprise was nothing short of great though.

On the last day of my son's 2-week winter break I decided to finally get his headshot and resume out to a few LA agents to see if we could interest someone in representing him in the crazy world of modeling / acting.

I had been formed on many occassions that this was the first and probably the easiest step, the next, the waiting would be the hardest.

Absolutely none of the agencies I submitted to had the time or inclination to send back anything in a SASE, so I really had to reconcile with the fact that after a few weeks or a month of hearing nothing it was probably going to have to be considered a "thanks but no thanks" response, so imagine my surprise when three short days later (Monday) I got a call that an agency wanted him to come in for an on camera audition that Thursday for possible Talent representation.

The whirlwind was on...they wanted him to have a monologue memorized, so the first step was finding one, which luckily we did the next day at a Barnes and Noble.

It constantly amazes me to watch me son do what he does when it comes to the acting, he's seven but he picked out by himself and memorized the one he liked doing the best...simply amazing.

By Thursday he had it down to a tee and to top it off he was cool as a cucumber. I don't really remember being seven but I 'm pretty sure I wasn't as "unafraid" of public speaking as he is.

Needless to say Thursday was here before you know it and we got to LA a couple hours before our scheduled time and just chilled as he read the book the "Spiderwick Chronicles" to me.

Having only the experience of his free-lance agency to go off of, I was pleasently surprised by the office of the agency we were at now. It was very professional looking and had a receptionist and everything.

It also appeared to be running smoothly, something I never saw happening at my son's freelance agency.

My son was given a commercial side, which he also memorized on the spot - I do not know how he does that :) and before we knew it he was back with the agent and doing his thing.

When they came out she told me he was "awesome" and that she would be in contact with me on Monday. I can only assume at this point that means she is going to want to rep him.

If that is the case it would mean no more background work, just primary roles. The other good thing is that she might also be interested in repping him for print work, which she hadn't previously mentioned on the phone.

Anyway fingers crossed for Monday.

This writers strike needs to stop now, all my shows are fast coming to their last episodes :(

I feel for the writers, I do and I think their complaints are beyond legitimate. It's just so sad to think no more shows for a while.

The last episode of "Grey's Anatomy was good and heartwrenching like always - poor Bailey, maybe she should just marry the chief at least he understands her life. I love Bailey's husband though he's a good man. Meredith...what can I say she is just never going to figure out Derek and he is never going to figure out her. I feel pretty disappointed about the whole Izzy and George thing - I mean they had such a wonderful relationship and now they have zilch. I don't really care about the whole Dr. Hahn and Dr. McSteamy thing, I guess I'm just not buying it.
Meredith's sister is growing on me - I love that she ate the eggs regardless of her allergy, but I do not want her taking Izzy's place with George. Izzy and George need to figure it out and get that elusive factor and chemistry they had back! And poor Christina with out Dr. Burke she really has no story line to speak of.

My other highly anticipated show return was "One Tree Hill" and it was really very enjoyable.

I feel for Nathan and Haley more than I ever have and the new addition of their son Jaime is a welcome one, he's a cute and very smart kid and I love all his relationships with the various characters.

I can understand Peyton trying to start a label from Tree Hill a little bit, but Brooke running her agency from Tree Hill seems to suspend the realm of belief for me. Successful or not the epi center of Fashion is New York and Los Angeles....big cities, not tiny Tree Hill.

I actually like Luke and Lindsey together and feel sorry for her already because she is obviously just being viewed as a stumbling block in Luke's path back to Peyton ( a relationship I never understood, thought he was perfect for Brooke).

Mouth needs to seriously get some cool back he looks way, way geeky - he was way more cool in high school.

I like Luke and Skillz as coaches taking over Whitey's legacy. Haley as a teacher makes perfect sense. I was glad when she took the power back, the wimpy Haley was in no way reminiscent to me of the strong Haley we left four years back.

I think that "One Tree Hill" writers have done an exceptional job of breathing fresh air into a show that needed it to keep the fans watching.

Monday starts my writing class again...Yes!!!

Now it's time to start my weekend. Hubby is home both days this time so it should be a lot of fun hanging out with him and our dear son.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm a little burnt on the horoscopes and how off they are so I'm ditching that idea and will only be adding horoscopes that actually do have some relatability to them. So no horoscopes for yesterday or today.

I missed blogging yesterday because this cold of mine was an evil, nasty being yesterday and I woke up completely congested and unable to breath out of my nose at all - little scary let me tell ya.

I did however start to feel a tad bit better later in the day and managed to get out about four resumes for my son to different Los Angeles agents - lets keep our fingers crossed there.

Probably the best part of yesterday though was being able to actually teach my son to ride his bike without the training wheels - he was so excited and proud of himself and it was great to see such a happy look on his face. It was a big accomplishment for him.

One of the things I really like about my son is his persistence - I'd even say when it comes to learning new things he's even border line perfectionist. Never say never seems to be his moto. A moto which serves him well with acting. He's opened himself up to trying different things like wearing a bald cap and even eye contacts. He's adventuresome and brave for only being seven.

Another really cool thing is to see how excited he is to share his accomplishments with his dad. He couldn't wait for his dad to come home last night so he could show him his bike riding skills.

Today we went and visited his dad at his work for Friends and Family day, but due to the very rainy day that's really all the outside curricular activities whe have been able to do today.

I spent the morning watching a DVD called "Solstice"...it was interesting and did keep my attention - I guess I would recommend it.

My reason for renting the video I must admit was becasue it had Tyler Hoechlin in it though.

We also rented the Santa Claus 3- they just aren't getting better with age. I think making a Santa Claus 4 would be a huge mistake.

So this is what it's all about- right now my son is sitting snuggled up next to me watching one of his favorite shows "Drake and Josh" - I really, really like this feeling - I will miss when he doesn't want to to do the simple things like that anymore. He's a great kid and I love him.

Dad's playing World of Warcraft right now - this is a fascination I will never understand but it's huge and many people do it so there must be something to it.

I guess if I think about it, it's very similiar to my writing - I'm lost in another world when I'm writing not unlike how he's living in another one when he's playing WW3.

And speaking of writing it's time to get back to my stories. I need to update "Cracked Heart" and "All I Want" or my readers will not be happy with me.

I might add more later if anything of interest happens with the rest of my dad but until then see ya!


Thursday, January 03, 2008

SAG is a Three letter word

Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 :
"It should be a very good time to talk about anything important in your relationships. Don't be afraid to bring things up today that you might normally be a little reluctant to discuss. Now is the time to get things out into the open, but just remember to listen as well as talk.
You should have the capacity for having a really good time with your partner right now. And this should help you to clear up any lingering issues that might exist between the two of you. "

Two for two on the zero stars for my horoscope. Today was again not relateable to my life or day at all. Unless there are secret and lingering issues I am not aware of but hubby is usually pretty straight forward -if it bugs him I know about it.

Today was just another day of errands and chores that needed to be done and I didn't really get to spend much time with my hubby at all.

I have been online today searching for answers to my SAG questions. My son just received his letter from SAG stating he is now eligible for his SAG card after he pays the initiation fee.

Since he is only seven years old it should probably have been addressed to me and his father since the ultimate output of money for his SAG card will have to come through us.

A rather large monetary output I might add. It is be no means cheap to be a SAG member.

So at this point we are questioning if it is really the right time in his career to invest such a large sum of money on the off chance that he could get a union job that would make it worth it.

I tend to think this is the time to take the plunge -still I understand my husband's reluctance to do so just yet.

It seems lately there has been a lot more outpour of cash than in. My son and I also had to go and get our passports ordered today, again just on the off chance that he gets a job out of the country he has to be prepared or no agent will even look at him.

We also did some returns to Target, which actually turned out to be relatively easy, and used the gift card given to us to buy dad a surprise DVD - he was very grateful and happy that we did something so thoughtful.

I also downloaded another chapter of my story "Picture Perfect" to Fanfiction.net.

I like their site because they make it relatively easy for readers to reveiw and reviews are always fun to get and often times can help to turn a story a different direction.

A good surprise today was another episode of "Quarterlife" got posted to "You Tube"...I am addicted. I was like a drug addict getting their fix as I watched it twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything - very scary.

I finally got the opportunity today before dinner to talk to my sister who has started back to work - she's very happy and I kind of envy her that she was able to find another job that fits her likes and needs so quickly.

I really want to have my own income coming in again so I can feel like I am contributing to the family in more ways than just taking care of them, but I need it to fit into this specific niche and that it making it hard to even know where to look for it.

I'm just kind of riding out the storm right now but I have faith that God has an open door waiting for me sometime in the near future.

Not much else to add tonight so I will "peace out" here and head to bed.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A List is a Beautiful Thing

As promised here is today's horoscope...

Wednesday, Jan 2, 2008 : "You could be feeling a little defensive right now and you might feel like you need to defend your point of view more fervently than is really necessary today. So just try not to let things get too out of hand if you can help it right now. And financial issues will probably be one of your primary areas of concern today.

There could be some disputes with your partner over money matters and you might feel like you’re being taken advantage of in some way. The problem is that neither of you may be terribly inclined to want to back down at the moment. "

This would be a one star, waste of ink and paper rating. Absolutely nothing about today's horoscope rings true or even close to the truth.

Today was a day of errands and responsibilities, yes i did look on the internet for a job, but taking care of my son on his winter break and making sure to put some wheels in motion were my main focus today.

I did fill in the google calander as promised to myself and in a tribute to my husband I had a "to do list" which, I must admit, did make things go a lot more smoothly.

Even when we ran into bumps, such as every triple load washer at the laundromat being mysteriously out of order, thus making washing and drying our comforter a much bigger task than expected, we still managed to forge ahead and complete the list ( new insight for me a double load works just as well and is a whole dollar cheaper).

We hit the bank and closed out the savings account, sent off the tutition for my son's acting class coming up in March, which he is very excited about, got his bike tire fixed so he can hit the park with dad this weekend, had some lunch and rounded out the day with grocery shopping.

It was a very full and fun day with an intelligent but goofy 7 year old along for the ride. I really will miss his company next week when he heads back to school and higher learning.

Good points of this little winter break though have been weaning down his video game time. Whatever school teaches him I know I've taught him that anything over 2 hours is excessive and even that is pushing it.

It's great to be unconditionally loved by your child and I know it's only a matter of a few years before that changes so I'm very thankful to have been given this small window of opportunity to spend time with him while he's still young enough to appreciate having me there.

A little side note -hubby may have found me a job in a computer firm as a bookkeeper, not sure how I feel about that. I do appreciate his efforts but also find it odd that he really thinks I'm bookkeeper material.

Still he kept my lists of needs and wants in mind when discussing the position with my potential employer and it sounds like he is amiable and flexible to the quick get up and go of my son's acting and modeling jobs.

You really do have to drop everything at the drop of the hat when the agent calls. I guess it's why I was never really a fan of the to do list, because it always gets thrown right out the window when a job opportunity is presented to our son. - still I like the organization when I can have it, so I will be sticking with it.

My new guilty pleasure of 2008 is the television show "Gossip Girl" - I haven't been this enamored of a show since "Felicity." It's got all the right elements to keep me watching and waiting for the next episode.

My new guilty internet show is "Quarterlife" - I am smitten with the unrequited feelings that Dylan is harboring for Jed, and i love, love, love the Jed character, he's very appealing and endearing.

Well it's late so I'm out-take care and have a good night.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

"And so it Begins"

2008 has begun...

I've always wondered about the phenomenon of horoscopes.

I have friends who swear by them and ones who think they are a waste of ink and paper- I fall somewhere in the middle, so I've decided to do a little experiment.

I've decided I will start each days post with my horoscope and test and rate it due to accuracy for the day.

So I guess it's only fair to have a rating system to do that with:
5 stars-Dead on for the day
4 stars-good, but not perfect
3 stars-generic, but still has a point
2 stars-only generic
1 stars-waste of ink and paper

Todays horoscope is as follows:

"You might feel like your life has fallen into a bit of a dull routine lately. And you may want to start giving some thought to looking into some new job opportunities right now. You may be eager to try to find something that might offer you the chance for a little more fun or excitement."

For me and my life situation specifically I would have to give this 4 stars, it heads towards dead on but it doesn't exactly sum up the day - more my life as a whole.

Today being the first day of 2008 it started with more of a whimper than a bang - I woke up with a nasty increase to the cold I started building in 2007, still a couple of DayQuil capisules later I felt ready to face today.

I got a nice surprise today when my baby brother called to invite me and my family to join him and his family at the park where he was teaching his two youngest girls to ride bikes. Coincidentally enough this is also something me and my husband have been wanting to teach our son - so I accepted.

Many frusrations came out of this from the get go (son's bike tire would not under any circumstance inflate) but we sucked it up and went anyway with his skateboard and protective equipment in hand.

I'm glad we went for many reasons too though, the first and foremost being that my son loves his cousins and playing with them - he'd do it on a daily basis if he could.

But even more than that my little bro really stepped up to the plate and once he got my son past the riding of a pink bike (he's very concerned with the "cool" factor right now) he got him up and pedaling. He's still on the shaky side, but once we get his tire fixed tomorrow his dad has promised to get him up and running so they can take rides together.

One thing I've really stressed in 2008 is that we need to be a much more physical family and get outside into the blue skies with walks, bike rides and such. Right now it's too much video game interaction and not enough of the wilderness kind.

I love how physical my brother is with his family and how he keeps them in sports and is constantly teaching them how to do or play something.

This is what I would wish for my family - more of the family interaction and less of the technology kind - more outdoors- less indoors.

I think today was a good start by getting him out to play with his cousins. He had a blast and he really learned something and he is one of those 7 years olds who thrives on challange - although I guess most 7 year olds do.

Take care and welcome to 2008 - it promises to be a year of changes and challanges.